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Men In The Making Right Choices

A progressive initiative focusing on role modeling and life skills
to increase minority male success from cradle to college.

Men in the making.

A progressive initiative focusing on role modeling and life skills to increase minority male success from cradle to college.

Men in the Making Right Choices

A progressive initiative focusing on role modeling and life skills
to increase minority male success from cradle to college.
Men In The Making

“Right Choices” since 2015

Men in the Making is a progressive initiative focusing on role modeling and life skills to increase minority male success from cradle to college. The target audience is from 8 to 18 years of age.

Our primary purpose is to provide lifelong learning, enrichment and exposure opportunities for minority males throughout Pinellas County with emphasis on: Holistic role modeling and relationship development.

Significance is placed on academic excellence, social responsibility, emotional stability and cultural acuity in our curriculum and exposure outings at MIM.

"MENTOR" may not be inclusive enough

Serving as a mentor is a matter of listening, offering wisdom and sharing your experience as it relates to mentee’s’ goals.  Mentoring relationships are a shared opportunity for learning and growth.

Our four areas of emphasis are:

All adult male role models/mentors must successfully complete Florida Department of Law Enforcement background checks in order to be trained and certified as youth advocates and role models. All adults commit doing their best to develop relationships that positively impact our greatest resource: our youth.
Men in the Making focuses on building essential skills needed to become productive, contributing residents
of Pinellas County. 
MIM is built upon Black men of faith: fathers, law enforcement officers, pastors, coaches, businessmen, concerned citizens and students who lead by example to fortify neighborhoods, repair the breach, create social capital and financial resources while redirecting the current pipeline from dropout to prison.
Men in the Making foundation is rooted in the principles of teaching and modeling these five core values:
Respect, Responsibility, Restraint, Faith and Teamwork


Delivering help and hope
to children through mentorship.

Delivering help and hope to children through sponsorship.

The rewards reaped from being a mentor are as substantial or greater than the seeds of inspiration sewn within the mentee.

Thank You

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